Conduct Poll

A poll is a quick way to find out the opinion of Hunt County residents. Anyone can purchase a poll that does business within Hunt County. Private polls are included on our survey/poll page along with public surveys/polls. We don’t publish the private survey/poll results and we don’t make the private survey/poll results available to members. All private survey/poll data is published in an easy-to-read report with cross tab data broken down by demographics and districts. The report includes our customized finding and recommendations section based on the questions asked. All private surveys/polls are ad free with space for you to include an image or video, along with a follow up question, if you choose.

Businesses and non-profits can use polls to make necessary business decisions

  • New insight into what people think about your business
  • Market research on a new product or idea
  • Demographic data of customers and potential customers

Government entities can make decisions knowing what the people think

  • Opinion on quality-of-life issues
  • Opinion about direction and favorability
  • Unemployment information
  • Demographic data by district as populations shift
  • Favorability of adding new types of businesses or subdivisions
  • Opinion about taxes and bonds, by district

Economic data can be obtained through polls to aid in decision making by local leaders

  • Unemployment
  • Employability
  • Purchasing power
  • Market equilibrium

Political candidates can benefit directly with surveys to help direct where campaign resources go

  • Candidate name recognition and favorability
  • Issue favorability
  • Voter preference
  • Likelihood of voting
  • Favorability of advertising

Fill out the form below to find out more about having a poll conducted.